Package-level declarations
Access modes for checking the accessibility of a file.
Basic options for copying or moving a file.
Basic options for opening a directory stream.
Basic options for opening content of a file.
Options for copying or moving a file.
Options for creating a file.
A directory entry.
A directory entry with additional file metadata information.
A directory entry with additional file type information.
A stream of entries in a directory.
Options for opening a directory stream.
Options for opening content of a file.
Options for opening or reading metadata of a file.
A registry for file systems.
Options for handling a symbolic link.
A hierarchical identifier for a file in a file system.
A relative hierarchical identifier that can be resolved against a path.
Get a registered file system for a URI scheme, or throw an exception if none is registered.
Get the registered platform file system, or throw an exception if none is registered.