
interface FileSystem



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object Companion


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abstract val scheme: String


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abstract suspend fun checkAccess(path: Path, vararg modes: AccessMode)
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abstract suspend fun copy(source: Path, target: Path, vararg options: CopyFileOption)
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abstract suspend fun createDirectory(directory: Path, vararg options: CreateFileOption)
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abstract suspend fun createHardLink(link: Path, existing: Path)
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abstract suspend fun createSymbolicLink(link: Path, target: ByteString, vararg options: CreateFileOption)
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abstract suspend fun delete(path: Path)
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abstract suspend fun getRealPath(path: Path): Path
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abstract suspend fun isSameFile(path1: Path, path2: Path): Boolean
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abstract suspend fun move(source: Path, target: Path, vararg options: CopyFileOption)
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abstract suspend fun openContent(file: Path, vararg options: FileContentOption): FileContent
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abstract suspend fun openDirectoryStream(directory: Path, vararg options: DirectoryStreamOption): DirectoryStream
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abstract suspend fun openFileStore(path: Path): FileStore
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abstract suspend fun openMetadataView(file: Path, vararg options: FileMetadataOption): FileMetadataView
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open suspend fun openSink(file: Path, vararg options: FileContentOption = OPEN_SINK_OPTIONS_DEFAULT): AsyncSink
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open suspend fun openSource(file: Path, vararg options: FileContentOption): AsyncSource
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open suspend fun readDirectory(directory: Path, vararg options: DirectoryStreamOption): List<Path>
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open suspend fun readMetadata(file: Path, vararg options: FileMetadataOption): FileMetadata
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abstract suspend fun readSymbolicLink(link: Path): ByteString